Chatar Patar – Journey from ordinary to extraordinary
Welcome to Chatar Patar Indore based street food Franchise Brand which has built strong reputation in competitive marketplace through quality foods and matchless services. Chatar Patar has maintained strong relationship with all stakeholders: employees, franchisees, and customers.
Our legacy
Every day, we try to make people happy with our services; we consistently delivered quality food products and take immense pride in presenting the mouthwatering street foods in organized format. It was all started when Mr. Prashant Kulkarni (MBA & Ex Infosys employee) and Mrs. Vinaya Kulakrni (M.Tech & Ex Infosys employee) saw local vendors did not care about cleanliness and freshness. They decided to bring standard food service format, with low investment Chatar Patar was started on streets of Indore. The First franchise was opened in Gujarat and since then it is consistently transforming foodservice sector.